Valerie's Salon Spa Boutique
3D Areola/Nipple pigmentation restores self confidence and natural beauty back to the breast. Whether the areola has been removed or scarred from surgery, marred or deformed, women and men will benefit from this procedure. Valerie is a Certified Permanent Cosmetic Professional, licensed, insured and ready to help you in your next steps regarding restoration. We are currently looking for models - free of charge. Models are needed to build portfolios for the medical field. Appointments are private, 1:1. Please call for your free consultation at 815-322-6652.
Bilateral $400
Unilateral $200
Revision $125/hour
Before & After
Donna W: I was her first and the results are amazing!!! Thank you, Val, a million times over!! It took me two years to make the choice and I’m so glad I found the right person to do it.
I’m sure the restrictions for the photos on FB would prevent publication. All I can say to any of you post mastectomy/reconstruction, do it. It’s the last step in feeling whole again.
Lynn: Thank you so much for today. I am overwhelmed. So excited. You made a big difference for me, I will certainly spread the word!